Tuesday, June 12, 2012

West Virginia: Wet, wild & wonderful

There is a mountain behind the cloud
We arrived in West Virginia yesterday for a week of hiking and a general goal of soaking up the green. Having learned our lesson last year during the Corbin Cabin Escapade, we opted for more comfortable furnishings to serve as our base of operations this year.

After cooking a dinner of pasta, salad and garlic bread in the spacious kitchen last night, we set out for a walk. We needed jackets. Yes! The gray clouds hung so low in the sky that we could almost reach up and run our hands through them. Double Yes! After a year in Cairo, rain and gray skies are a welcomed sight. We walked out to the road you see in the above photo, only to discover that it is actually a runway. We continued to wind our way among the cluster of houses and noticed many of them for sale. Flagstone chimneys, wrap around porches and beautiful views, all for about the same price our 600 sq. ft. condo in Arlington would sell for.

Behind the cloud in the above photo are two ski areas. We won't be venturing up there today, but have picked out several trails to explore in the coming days. For now, coffee and a book on the back porch sounds pretty good.

1 comment:

ultrarunnergirl said...

Squeeee!! Can't wait to see you two in person -- and beautiful West Virginia.

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